ACC 2008
The Westin Seattle
Seattle Washington
June 11-13, 2008
Papers are sought that address the development and/or application of
advanced modeling, control, and analysis methods for biomedical and
biotechnological systems. Experimental, computational, and theoretical
contributions are all welcomed. Scales of interest range from
intracellular processes to population dynamics.
The official ACC timeline is below. To facilitate session planning, we
would appreciate a short note from interested authors as soon as possible.
Submission Timeline:
ASAP: email session chair/co-chair of intention to submit a manuscript
to this invited session (see contact information, below)
September 8, 2007: Regular or short paper due to the Session Chair and
September 12, 2007: Notification of conditional acceptance* and paper
upload instructions
* acceptance conditional on ACC program committee accepting the entire
September 15, 2007: Deadline for upload of conditionally accepted
papers to the conference management system
January 31, 2008: Notification of unconditional acceptance
March 15, 2008: Final manuscript due for Conference Proceedings, and
author registration fee deadline.
Submission Instructions:
Send an 8-page (regular paper max) or 3-page (short paper max) paper in
ACC conference proceedings format, as well as the full contact
information (postal address, phone, fax, and email) and affiliations for
all authors via email to the Session Chair and Co-Chair by September 8,
For more information, please see the 2008 American Control Conference
website at:
Robert S. Parker, Associate Professor and CNG Faculty Fellow
Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering
U. Pitt. Cancer Inst., Molecular Therapeutics/Drug Discovery Prog.
1249 Benedum Hall; University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15261
PH: (412) 624-7364 / FAX: (412) 624-9639
Email: [log in to unmask]
Ryan Zurakowski, Assistant Professor
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Delaware; 309 DuPont Hall, Newark, DE 19716
(V) (302) 831-0331 / (F) (302) 831-4316
email: [log in to unmask]