Dear CAST colleagues:
I would like to bring to your attention a special issue of the open
access journal Processes that I am guest editing on simulation-based
engineering of materials manufacturing processes.
The focus of this special issue will be on modeling, optimization, and
control of advanced materials manufacturing systems, including the
more traditional areas of thin-film processing for microelectronics,
polymer processing, and crystallization processes. Submissions
describing less conventional and emerging technologies are
particularly encouraged, such as those in the areas of pattern-forming
systems for nanomaterials manufacturing, dynamic modeling of
atomic-layer deposition systems, modeling and control of material
surfaces and interfaces for improved device performance, concurrent
process and materials design, multiscale modeling of transport and
reaction processes in materials manufacturing systems, biomaterials
manufacturing, nucleation and growth modeling in particulate
processes, and fundamental modeling of additive manufacturing
operations. While the emphasis of this special issue will be on
modeling and computational research, papers describing experimental
validation and industrial implementation of novel materials
manufacturing processes also will be considered.
The official deadline for submission is 30 September 2014. Papers
published in 2014 will be done so free of charge. For more
information, please visit the special issue webpage at
or write to me directly. Thank you,
Raymond A. Adomaitis, Professor
Associate Chair for Undergraduate Studies
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Institute for Systems Research
University of Maryland Energy Research Center
Maryland NanoCenter
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742 USA
Phone: +1(301)405-2969
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