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April 2009


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Dominic Alfonso <[log in to unmask]>
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Dominic Alfonso <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 9 Apr 2009 09:40:37 -0400
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Postdoctoral Research Associate Position in Kinetic Monte Carlo
National Energy Technology Laboratory

The Chemistry and Surface Science Division at the National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) invites application for a postdoctoral research position. The applicant must have experience in the area of kinetic Monte Carlo simulations as applied to modeling surface chemistry. The successful candidate will join a dynamic and multi-disciplinary group of computational scientists who focus on developing and implementing new approaches to study materials with energy applications. Applicant should have, or expect to shortly obtain, a PhD in Chemistry, Physics, Chemical Engineering, Material Science or other related disciplines. A strong background in scientific programming (Fortran, C or C++) is very desirable. Good interpersonal skill is also an important criterion. Applicants should send a curriculum vitae and arrange to have two letters of recommendation sent to: Dr. Dominic Alfonso, e-mail: [log in to unmask]  NETL has excellent computational facilities and offers a competitive compensation package.