CAST10 Archives

January 2014


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"Chemical Engineers in Computing and Systems Technology, AIChE" <[log in to unmask]>
John Hedengren <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 10 Jan 2014 19:35:15 +0000
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John Hedengren <[log in to unmask]>
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Please join us on Tuesday at 11 AM Eastern time for the first WebCAST session of 2014. The change this year is that the sessions are open-access (no pre-registration required). The WebCAST sessions will be held more frequently (weekly) and posted on YouTube afterwards. The first webinar this year is from modeling and optimization experts at Idaho National Laboratory. Their work has focused on topics ranging from biofuels to hybrid nuclear energy systems.

Presenters: Humberto Garcia and Richard Boardman, Idaho National Laboratory
Date: 1/14/2014
Time: 10 AM Central Time
Topic: Process Integration & Optimization Using Dynamic Systems Models

Join the WebEx meeting here (limited to 100 participants, no registration required):
Meeting number: 190 321 582

Audio Connection (join through computer audio or phone number below)
Access code: 190 321 582

To add future sessions to your calendar, please visit the following page. We're looking forward to a great list of speakers coming up. Please feel free to nominate additional speakers (also at the link below).

Upcoming Sessions:

Victor Zavala
Stochastic Optimal Control for Gas Networks
Jan 21, 2014
11 AM Eastern
Argonne National Laboratory

Robert Fourer
New Interface Developments with the AMPL Modeling Language & System
Jan 28, 2014
11 AM Eastern
Northwestern University

Martha Grover
Feedback Control of Stochastic Self-Assembly
Feb 11, 2014
11 AM Eastern
Georgia Tech

Jeff Kelly
Industrial Flowsheet Optimization and Estimation using IMPL (Industrial Modeling & Programming Language)
Feb 18, 2014
11 AM Eastern
Industrial Algorithms

Martin Schlueter
Global Optimization of MINLP by Evolutionary Algorithms
Feb 25, 2014
5 PM Eastern
Hokkaido University, Japan (MIDACO)

Carl Laird
Parallel Optimization
Mar 4, 2014
11 AM Eastern
Texas A&M

Jeff Renfro
Progress and Challenges in Equation Oriented Dynamic Modeling
Mar 18, 2014
11 AM Eastern
Honeywell Process Solutions

Anshul Agarwal
John Wassick
Supply Chain Optimization in Dow Chemical
Mar 25, 2014
11 AM Eastern
Dow Chemical

Krystian Perez
Reduced Order Modeling of Residential Buildings from Smart Meter Data
Apr 15, 2014
11 AM Eastern
University of Texas at Austin