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January 2007


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Ignacio Grossmann <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Ignacio Grossmann <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 27 Jan 2007 15:09:53 -0500
text/plain (147 lines)
The Center for Advanced Process Decision-making (CAPD) at Carnegie 
Mellon University will offer a six-day course entitled:

Conceptual Design, Optimization and Process Operations
                         June 6-June 12, 2007

This course is organized along the topics of conceptual design, 
optimization and process operations. The course stresses the application 
of recently developed design concepts and optimization-based strategies 
to practical process problems. Geared to the practitioner, this course 
provides practical information and exposure to powerful and 
sophisticated modeling tools for process synthesis, analysis, 
optimization and planning. In addition, the course emphasizes systematic 
solution approaches and provides the necessary background to understand 
the tools and apply them correctly and efficiently to your process problem.

Course participants will address these topics through lectures and 
hands-on workshops. Specific computer methods will include modeling 
tools, nonlinear and mixed integer programming codes.

You Should Attend If...

- you are a process engineer interested in obtaining improved solutions 
for your design, operation and planning problems.

- you are an engineer interested in learning how to formulate models for 
process design and synthesis, and for process and  supply chain 
optimization, and how to solve them with advanced  computer tools.

- you are a manager interested in understanding and introducing these 
tools in your working environment.

- you are a researcher interested in quickly testing new process  ideas 
and concepts through the use of optimization-based tools.

Course Modules:

A-Conceptual Design: to be taught Wednesday and Thursday (June 6-7) will 
focus on conceptual design methods for the synthesis of chemical 
processes at the macroscale (azeotropic & reactive distillation) and 
microscale (Lab-on-a-chip systems).

B-Optimization: to be taught on Friday and Saturday (June 8-9), will 
focus on modeling and algorithms for nonlinear programming and mixed 
integer programming including disjunctive programming and applications 
to process optimization.

C-Process Operations: to be taught on Monday and Tuesday  (June 11-12), 
will focus on differential/algebraic models for  real time optimization 
and parameter estimation, and on mixed-integer programming models for 
process scheduling and supply chain optimization.

The material in each module is independent and self-contained and can be 
taken in any combination.  A detailed description of the topics covered 
in the course is given in:

The Faculty:

Lorenz T. Biegler is Bayer Professor of Chemical Engineering at Carnegie 
Mellon. He obtained his doctorate in chemical engineering at the 
University of Wisconsin in 1981 and joined Carnegie Mellon University in 
the same year. His research interests include process optimization and 
the optimization of differential-algebraic systems. A 1985 Presidential 
Young Investigator,  a recipient of the 1996 ASEE McGraw Award and the 
2000 AIChE Computing in Chemical Engineering Award, and Fellow of the 
AIChE, he is a consultant for a  number of industries.

Ignacio E. Grossmann, Dean University Professor and Former Head of 
Chemical Engineering at Carnegie Mellon, obtained his master of science 
and doctorate in chemical engineering from Imperial College, London. He 
joined Carnegie Mellon in 1979 after one year of industrial experience 
with the Instituto Mexicano del Petroleo. His interests are in the areas 
of mixed-integer and logic based programming, process synthesis, 
enterprise-wide optimization, and planning and scheduling.  He was a 
recipient of the 1984 Presidential Young Investigator Award, the  1995 
Computing in Chemical Engineering Award, the 1997 William Walker Award 
of AICHE and recipient of the 2003 INFORMS Computing Society Prize. He 
is a member of the National Academy of Engineering and holds an honorary 
doctorate from Abo Academy in Finland.

Steinar Hauan, Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering at Carnegie 
Mellon, obtained his MSc and PhD degrees from the Norwegian Institute of 
Science and Technology. After a post.doc at University of the 
Witwatersrand (Johannesburgh, South Africa), he joined CMU in 1999. His 
research interests are in the area of computer-aided process design and 
analysis. He was a 1996 Fulbright scholar and a 2002 recipient of the 
Ted Peterson Award from AIChE/CAST.

Administrative Details:

Time:  Six days, Wednesday through Saturday, Monday through Tuesday, 
8:30 am to 6:00 pm. Roberts Hall, Singleton Room, Carnegie Mellon 

Lodging: Housing arrangements may be made directly with the Holiday Inn 
at University Center (412-682-6200), which is approximately four (4) 
blocks from the CMU campus. A block of rooms has been reserved for the 
participants. When reserving your room please state that you are with 
CMU- Chemical Engineering CAPD group. The current rate is approximately 
$120 + tax per night for a single room plus parking fee of $17 per day.

Tuition: The tuition includes all instructional materials, background 
materials, a manual of notes, computer use, parking, a continental 
breakfast each day, and a closing luncheon. In addition a free copy of 
Chemical Engineering Optimization Problems with GAMS, which includes 
PC-based software will be provided as well as a copy of Systematic 
Methods of Chemical Process Design by Biegler, Grossmann, and Westerberg.

Note: a 25% discount is available to industrial affiliates of the CAPD 
Consortium. Please make checks payable to: Carnegie Mellon University, 
Department of Chemical Engineering.

Registration: Register by completing and returning the form in:
If you need specific information please contact Toni McIltrot at 
[log in to unmask] (Tel: 412-268-3573; Fax: 412-268-7139). As the 
course format limits class size, please notify us 10 days before the 
start of a session should you wish to transfer or cancel your 
registration. A $250 service charge is assessed if notification of 
cancellation is received after that time.

A-Conceptual Design
C-Process Operations

The price for taking these modules is as follows:
One module: $1,240
Any of two modules: $1,980
Three modules: $2,700

For members of CAPD there is a 25% discount.
One module only: $930
Any of two modules: $1,485
Three modules: $2,025

Testimonials of Past Participants...

Excellent course that covers a lot of topics and discusses most of the 
important issues within these topics.

I got a lot out of the course-excellent job!

All lecturers were excellent!