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January 2017


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"Georgakis, Christos" <[log in to unmask]>
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Georgakis, Christos
Thu, 26 Jan 2017 18:10:28 +0000
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Dear all,

The Systems Research Institute at Tufts University has an opening for a highly qualified postdoctoral candidate in a project co-sponsored by Pfizer and Merck. The project aims to advance the state of the art in the modeling of complex pharmaceutical reactions utilizing the recently published methodology of Dynamic Response Surface Models (Ind. & Eng. Chem. Res. 55 (14) pp.4022-4034). Starting with a set of composition data at different times over a set of batch experiments, the project aims to identify accurate DRSM models despite the substantial uncertainties in the measured data.  These models will be used to identify, with the greatest detail, the stoichiometry of the reacting system under consideration, especially the substantial number of unwanted side reactions. This is to be followed by the accurate modeling of the corresponding reactions rates.   The industrial collaborators are expected to be actively involved in the research activities and to also provide several real-life reaction data sets.
Candidates should have a Doctoral degree in Chemical Engineering or a related field and a strong and documented mathematical background. They should have amply demonstrated their ability to innovate and perform research tasks with substantial independence.  Candidates should submit their application to Professor Christos Georgakis at [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> by February 28, 2017. The application should include a cover letter, detailing why the candidate is interested in this project. This cover letter should also detail how the candidate meets the technical requirements described above. A detailed CV, including a list of publications, as well a list of 3-5 professional referees should be attached. These professional referees should be able to speak with substantial detail about the technical qualifications of the candidate.

Christos Georgakis

Professor Christos GEORGAKIS
Chemical and Biological Engineering
Director, Systems Research Institute

Room 273, 4 Colby Street, Medford MA 02155, USA
Phone: 617-627-2573;<>
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