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November 2006


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"Bhavik R. Bakshi" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Mon, 20 Nov 2006 12:32:03 -0500
text/plain (76 lines)
Post-Doctoral Research Opportunities
Center for Resilience at The Ohio State University

The Center for Resilience within the College of Engineering is 
conducting a number of interdisciplinary research programs that address 
the sustainability of industrial and ecological systems.  We are 
currently seeking candidates for two post-doc positions:

1) Research Director, Center for Resilience

This individual will assist the Co-Directors by providing technical 
leadership for funded projects and directing the work of graduate 
student researchers. He/she will focus on two interrelated projects:

*  Modeling Biocomplexity for Alternative Fuels.  Funded by  NSF's 
Biocomplexity in the Environment  initiative, this  project involves 
developing  multiscale deterministic and stochastic models to study the 
broader economic and environmental impacts of industrial decisions 
related to  transportation fuels, and the impact of government policies 
on industry. This framework will be applied to evaluate the life cycle 
environmental and economic implications of alternate  transportation 
fuels, including ethanol, biodiesel, and hydrogen.

*  Life Cycle Management Decision-Making. Funded by a global 
manufacturer of heavy  industrial  equipment, this project will  develop 
and  apply  a  life cycle assessment  approach to evaluate the 
environmental and financial trade -offs associated with product design 
and manufacturing process  selection decisions.  This project will 
involve application of  methodologies developed in the Biocomplexity 
project and other Center for Resilience projects.  In addition, this 
individual will provide  research coordination for project teams working 
on several other state-of-the-art projects in the areas of sustainable 
design and industrial ecology.

2) Research Team Leader, Sustainability Metrics Development

This project, funded by the  U.S.  EPA,  involves development and 
deployment of sustainability  indicators and metrics for  a major campus 
expansion being launched by the  Ohio State University Medical Center . 
The master plan calls for extensive incorporation of sustainable design 
features, including advanced energy and lighting systems, use of 
recycled materials, and  flexible, open  architecture.  The  successful 
candidate will work closely with the planning team  to  develop suitable 
  indicators  for evaluating  and monitoring  the improved 
sustainability  and resilience  of  healthcare  facilities. The results 
will be an empirical validation  of  the benefits of sustainable design, 
  and a rigorous, repeatable methodology for sustainable design value 

Desired Qualifications:  The ideal candidates for these positions  will 
be motivated to perform research in a  team-oriented, multidisciplinary 
environment and to learn new concepts as necessary. A strong background 
in at least  some of the following areas is sought: 1) Life Cycle 
Assessment, 2) Thermodynamic Analysis,   3) Systems Engineering, 4) 
Network Modeling, 5) Applied Statistics, 6) Optimization.   Relevant 
prior experience, project management capabilities,  familiarity with 
computer models,  and strong communication skills will also be important 

Both positions  are available immediately for a minimum period of  one 
year, renewable with satisfactory progress and availability of funds. 
The stipend and benefits are competitive. Ohio State is  the largest 
campus in the U.S., and is located in Columbus, the 16th largest city in 
the U.S.

Please send a resume' and names of three referees by Dec. 1, 2006 to 
either of the Co-Directors:

Bhavik R. Bakshi, Professor Dept. of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
[log in to unmask]

Joseph Fiksel, Senior Research Scientist Dept. of Integrated Systems 
Engineering  [log in to unmask]

Please direct all telephone inquiries to Dr. Joseph Fiksel at 614-688-8155.