I would like to ask you for your vote since I decided to run as a director for the AIChE Board. As
you may know I have been involved in CAST as a director, vice chair and chair, and I am also
serving as a trustee of CACHE where I was a president from 2014-2016. I am attaching my brief
resume and statement and I hope that you can support me on this endeavor.
Marianthi Ierapetritou is a Distinguished Professor and Chair in the Dept. of Chemical and
Biochemical Engineering at Rutgers Univ. She has 25 years of research experience in process
systems engineering, more than 200 journal publications, has graduated 22 PhD students, and
has received numerous awards for her work in applied modeling and optimization including the
Computing and Systems Technology (CAST) Division’s Award for Computing in Chemical
Engineering (2016), the highest distinction in the systems area of AIChE. She is also a Fellow of
Statement: I have been an active member of the CAST Div. since 2006, when I chaired and
organized multiple sessions of the Division and became involved as coordinator of Area 10A
(Design), with responsibility for overseeing the organization of multiple (12) sessions and
coordinating co-sponsorship with other programs. In 2009, I was elected a director of CAST, and
I initiated the formation of the student presentation award to encourage and promote student
participation in the Institute. In 2011, I was elected Vice Chair of CAST with responsibility for
managing the Division’s awards and organizing CAST’s annual reception and dinner. As Chair of
the Division from 2013 to 2014, I was responsible for overseeing multiple activities and
spearheading a number of initiatives to increase CAST’s membership.
In addition, I have been actively involved with Computer Aids for Chemical Engineering (CACHE)
since I was elected academic trustee in 2005. In that role, I was involved in the organization of
the 2008 Foundations of Computer Aided Process Operations Conference, as a member of the
Systems Biology Task Force, and in various web activities. From 2012 to 2014, I served as Vice
President of CACHE, and was instrumental in restructuring the task forces and re-shaping the
direction of CACHE. From 2014 to 2016, I served as President of CACHE. During that time I
emphasized the trustees’ engagement, outreach activities, and the involvement of outside talent
to help with the new strategy and vision of CACHE.
Of particular importance to me is to actively engage our constituents (AIChE members) and to
work to address their changing needs, but also to help constituents better understand the
mission and objectives of AIChE and to help grow the membership. Towards that target, I would
like to encourage new activities and establish avenues to communicate more effectively the
importance of the Institute to a wider audience, reaching out especially to young professionals,
student chapters, and underrepresented minorities. I am very passionate about increasing the
participation of women at all levels of the Institute. To accomplish that goal I will work to provide
more recognition to women engineers and improve AIChE’s infrastructure and services targeting
women’s needs as related to work-life balance.