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May 2019


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Fernando Lima <[log in to unmask]>
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Fernando Lima <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 14 May 2019 13:35:53 +0000
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Dear Colleagues,

Please see the Call for Abstracts below from the AIChE Institute for Sustainability for the upcoming Enterprise and Infrastructure Resilience Conference.

Please note the deadline for abstract submissions of June 12. The conference steering committee would like to encourage your abstract submission and we look forward to seeing you in Cincinnati!

Thank you and best regards,

Fernando V. Lima, Assistant Professor, WVU

Steering Committee Member

Enterprise and Infrastructure Resilience Conference<>

From: Institute for Sustainability [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Wednesday, May 08, 2019 11:10 AM
To: Fernando Lima <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Present Your Research Among Other Leading Industry Experts

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Enterprise and Infrastructure Resilience Conference<>

August 12-13, 2019

Kingsgate Hotel and Conference Center, Cincinnati, OH

This conference explores multifaceted resilience strategies for the modern enterprise that address dependence on external systems, such as the environment, stakeholders, shareholders, and society.

Abstract Submissions Now Open<>

Submit your abstract for Oral, Poster or Lightning Round presentation here<> by June 12.

Abstracts are invited in these and related topics:

Resilient Design and Operations of Chemical Process Systems<>

  *   Strategies, principles, and contribution factors
  *   Understand and manage the interaction of multiple stakeholders (e.g., conflicting objectives)
  *   Resilient infrastructures

Advanced Control Systems for Risk Management and Resilient Processes<>

  *   Flexibility, controllability, early detection, failure minimization, limitation of effects, administrative controls
  *   Allocation of limited resources under constrained settings before, during, and after disruptive events
  *   Vulnerability, risk reduction, and costs

Resilient Power, Water, Feedstock, and Product Supply Systems<>

  *   Resilient supply chains and distribution systems
  *   Effective, cost-efficient plans and actions for resilience, adaption, and risk reduction
  *   Market diversity for resilient economics

Resilience Lessons Learned<>

  *   Resilience's lessons from and for the chemical industry
  *   Resilient communities on the road to recovery
  *   Resilience and sustainability
  *   Environmental resiliency and challenges (cleanups and restoration)



Conference Organizers

  *   Gerardo Ruiz-Mercado, US Environmental Protection Agency, USA - Conference Chair
  *   Michael Gonzalez, US Environmental Protection Agency, USA - Conference Co-chair

Steering Committee

  *   Heriberto Cabezas, US Environmental Protection Agency
  *   Russell Lefevre, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
  *   Fernando Lima, West Virginia University
  *   Vilas Mujumdar, Consulting Engineer
  *   Joseph Smith, Missouri University of Science & Technology



