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January 2008


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"Jorge A.Mandler" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Jorge A.Mandler
Wed, 30 Jan 2008 17:07:21 -0500
text/plain (59 lines)
To all Advanced Control Professionals from Industry

Dear Colleague,

In my role as Industrial Co-Chair for ADCHEM 2009, I would like to call 
your attention, and invite you to submit a paper to this prestigious 
triennial IFAC Symposium.

ADCHEM 2009 will be held on the campus of Koç University in Istanbul,  
Turkey on July 12-15 2009. ADCHEM 2009 is co-sponsored by the Chemical 
Process Control, Non-linear Control Systems and SAFEPROCESS Technical 
Committees of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC).

Following the tradition of the previous ADCHEM symposia held in Toulouse 
(1991), Kyoto (1994), Banff (1997), Pisa (2000), Hong Kong (2003) and 
Gramado (2006), ADCHEM 2009 will bring together researchers and 
practitioners to discuss the recent developments in control of chemical, 
biochemical and closely related process systems. Both theory and 
applications will be covered.

The International Program Committee (IPC) and the National Program 
Committee (NPC) of ADCHEM 2009 are seeking to achieve increased industrial 
participation at the conference. The intent is to have very strong 
technical contributions from industry in addition to those from academia.  

The industrial contributions should demonstrate the innovation, creativity 
and attention to detail necessary to make Advanced Control applications 
succeed in real life. Contributions highlighting and to the extent possible 
documenting the economic - before and after - aspects of the Advanced 
Control application are particularly encouraged. Contributions in any of 
the Tentative Meeting Topics listed below will be adequate. 

Tentative Meeting Topics 
* Process Modeling and Identification
* Advanced Process Control Strategies 
* Process and Control Monitoring
* Plantwide Control
* Process Control Applications
* Emerging Methods and Technologies

Papers on new approaches and on applications outside the classical chemical 
process control area are also welcome.

With  the deadline for submission of draft papers less than a year away 
(Dec 15, 2008) I am writing now to encourage you to submit a contribution, 
in order to give you plenty of time to work on the paper and on the 
internal approval process that might be required within your company. 

For more details about the conference, deadlines and venue, please access 
the official symposium website

I am looking forward to your participation, and to making the next ADCHEM 
Symposium a most special one.

Jorge A. Mandler
Industrial Co-Chair - ADCHEM 2009 IPC
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