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CAST10 Archives

June 2010


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Leonidas Bleris <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Leonidas Bleris <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 21 Jun 2010 12:18:27 -0400
text/plain (1178 bytes) , PostdocPosition.pdf (78 kB)
Applications are invited for an NIH funded Postdoctoral position in the 
University of Texas at Dallas within the research group of Prof. Leonidas 
Bleris. The project will be co-supervised by the Bleris Lab and the 
Ward/Ober Lab from the University of Texas, Southwestern Medical School.

The successful candidate will work towards modeling the behavior of 
engineered antibodies and subcellular trafficking in vivo. These models will 
be developed and extensively validated against experimental data that will 
be generated in the Ward/Ober Lab. The study aims to reveal important 
insights into the design of potential new therapeutic agents for the 
treatment of autoimmune diseases. 

Candidates should have a Ph.D. with expertise in mathematical modeling. 

The position is available immediately and all applications (including CV and 
references) should be sent to Prof. Bleris ([log in to unmask]).

For further information about our research and the workplace environment 
(NSERL) please visit: 
Bleris Lab:
Ward/Ober Lab: