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October 2018


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Sun, 7 Oct 2018 22:15:46 -0400
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Dear CAST10 community members,

Apologies for re-posting this message due to format issues in the previous 

Dr. Jin Wang and I, the Guest Editors of the open access journal Processes 
(ISSN 2227-9717; indexed in *SCIE* and *Scopus*;, are inviting you to publish a paper 
to a Special Issue of Processes: Big Data in Biology, Life Sciences and 

Deadline for submissions: *31 May 2019*

*Special Issue Description *

Massive quantities of data are being generated in biology, the life 
sciences and healthcare industries and institutions, which hold the promise 
of advancing our understandings of various biological systems and diseases, 
developing new biocatalysts and drugs, as well as delivering more effective 
patient care and reducing costs, etc. In this Special Issue, we seek 
research and case studies that demonstrate the application of big data 
modeling and analysis to support scientific research, drug development, 
clinical decision making, personalized medicine, and other critical tasks. 
Example topics include (but are not limited to) the following topics 
relating big data to biology, the life sciences or healthcare:
•	Novel systems engineering approaches, including modeling and 
numerical analysis algorithms
•	New statistical tools and algorithms
•	Machine learning and artificial intelligence
•	Integration of systems engineering approaches with machine learning
•	Novel visualization approaches
•	Computer or model-aided diagnostics
•	Model-based drug development
•	Evidence-based medicine
•	Modeling and analysis of data from a multitude of sources
•	Application of wearable devices
•	Public health surveillance

*How to Submit* 

The main types of contributions published in Processes: Articles, 
Communications, Reviews, Conference Papers, Perspectives, Viewpoints.
1. Instructions for Authors:
2. Manuscripts are expected to be submitted through the online system at 

*About Processes* 

Processes (ISSN 2227-9717; Impact Factor: 1.279) is a journal published by 
MDPI AG, Basel, Switzerland. Processes maintains rigorous peer-review and a 
rapid publication process. 
*Open Access* ( free for readers, 
with publishing fees paid by authors or their institutions. 
*High visibility*: indexed by the Science Citation Index Expanded (Web of 
Science), Scopus and other databases. 
*Rapid publication*: Manuscripts are peer-reviewed and a first decision 
provided to authors approximately 14 days after submission; acceptance to 
publication is undertaken in 5.98 days (median values for papers published 
in the first six months of 2018)
Please do not hesitate to contact Dr. Jin Wang or myself if you have any 


Peter He, PhD
Associate Professor
Department of Chemical Engineering
Auburn University, AL 36849
334-844-7602 (O)

Jin Wang, PhD
Walt and Virginia Woltosz Endowed Professor
Graduate Program Chair
Department of Chemical Engineering
Auburn University