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October 2011


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Mahmoud El-Halwagi <[log in to unmask]>
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Mahmoud El-Halwagi <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 4 Oct 2011 23:31:03 -0500
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Newly released textbook on Sustainable Process Design

Title: Sustainable Design through Process Integration: Fundamentals
and Applications to Industrial Pollution Prevention, Resource
Conservation, and Profitability Enhancement
Publisher: Butterworth-Heinemann/Elsevier

Author: Mahmoud M. El-Halwagi

This book covers the fundamental concepts and practical techniques on
the use of process integration to maximize the efficiency and
sustainability of industrial processes. Whether you are a process
engineer, an industrial decision maker, or a researcher, this book
will be an indispensable resource tool for systematically enhancing
process performance and developing novel and sustainable process
designs. The book is also ideal for use as a text in an upper level
undergraduate or an introductory graduate course on process design and
Key features:
• Allows the reader to methodically develop rigorous targets that
benchmark the performance of industrial processes then develop
cost-effective implementations.
• Contains state-of-the-art process integration approaches and
applications including graphical, algebraic, and mathematical
• Covers applications that include process economics, targeting for
conservation of mass and energy, synthesis of innovative processes,
retrofitting of existing systems, design and assessment of renewable
energy systems, and in-process pollution prevention.
• Presents fundamentals and step-by-step procedures that can be
applied to the design and optimization of new processes as well the
retrofitting and operation of existing processes
• Explains how pivotal sustainability issues can holistically and
methodically be addressed and reconciled
• Includes numerous examples and case studies on a broad array of
industrial processes and sustainable designs

More information on the book can be found on: