CAST10 Archives

August 2013


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Sahinidis <[log in to unmask]>
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Sahinidis <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 2 Aug 2013 16:24:55 -0400
text/plain (23 lines)
Dear Colleagues,

Wayne Bequette was recently named Meeting Program Chair for the 2014 
AIChE Meeting in Atlanta.  Because of his new assignment, Wayne has 
asked me and I agreed to transition early as the new CAST Programming 
Chair, effective last month.  On behalf of all of us, I wanted to 
express many thanks to Wayne for his programming efforts and for 
agreeing to continue to provide advice during the transition.

One of the initiatives that I will be handling as CAST Programming Chair 
is the new area chair selection procedure, which was unanimously 
supported by the CAST Executive Community at the Fall 2012 meeting. 
Future program coordinators will be selected by a voting process that 
follows an open request for nominations that begins at least eight weeks 
before the AIChE Fall Annual Meeting.  When you send me your 
nominations, please first ensure that your nominees are willing to serve 
if elected.

Best wishes,

Nick Sahinidis