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May 2008


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"Chemical Engineers in Computing and Systems Technology, AIChE" <[log in to unmask]>
Dimitris Kalamatianos <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 8 May 2008 14:28:16 +0100
Dimitris Kalamatianos <[log in to unmask]>
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Dear Colleague,

The registration deadline for the

*2nd International Workshop on Systems Biology*

*National University of Ireland, Maynooth*

*August 17-20, 2008*

has been extended. The new closing date for registrations is: *June 16th*.

The aim of the workshop is to provide a forum for international researchers
working in key areas of Systems Biology to interact and discuss the major
issues in the field at this time. Academic faculty members, industrial and
post-doctoral researchers and post-graduate students are encouraged to
attend the workshop.

There will be space for 100 participants in total. Some limited funding is
available for student bursaries to assist overseas students with fees and
travel/accommodation costs. Interested parties can register online through
the website

The workshop will include:

-- Keynote lectures from high-profile international researchers in

  Systems Biology;

-- Breakout sessions to give participants the opportunity to discuss

  issues in Systems Biology with keynote speakers and industry


-- A reception and poster session in which all participants can

  present the results of their own research.

The lectures delivered in the workshop will cover the following broad areas:

-- Modelling of Spatial and Temporal Signals;

-- Dynamics in Biology and Physiology;

-- Mathematics of Biological Oscillations.

Important Dates:

  On-line registration closes: *June 16, 2008*

  Workshop: *August 17-20, 2008*

Registration form and more information on the workshop can be found at

Looking forward to seeing you in Maynooth,

The organising committee

Dr Eric Bullinger

Dr Wilhelm Huisinga

Dr Dimitris Kalamatianos

Dr Oliver Mason

Dr Mark Verwoerd

Prof Peter Wellstead (Honorary Chair)