Keyword: job
The Future Begins With Us.
RWTH Aachen University
With 30,000 students, 10,000 employees and its emphasis on innovative
research, RWTH Aachen University is one of the leading universities
of technology in Europe. Its teaching and research are characterised
by a distinctly international, practice-orientated and
interdisciplinary approach.
Junior Research Group Leader (TV L 15)
Aachen Institute for Advanced Study in Computational Engineering
Science (AICES)
Applications are invited for a "Junior Research Group Leader"
position. Generous funding for Ph.D. students is secured through a
grant by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research
Association). A parallel appointment as "Junior Professor" is
possible at a suitable department of the RWTH Aachen University. The
position has a tenure-track option and is comparable with U.S.A.
tenure-track assistant professorships. The teaching duties are
relatively small. The position is paid according to the German civil
service TV-L 15 scale including standard benefits. The salary depends
on experience and is competitive with similar positions in Europe.
The beginning date for the position is as early as possible.
The successful candidate is expected to set up an independent
research program supported by internal and external funding. A
doctoral degree in the broad field of computational engineering
science and a strong research record is required. Additionally, 1 to
4 years of postdoctoral experience are desired as well as substantial
experience outside Germany. The ideal candidate should work in an
area complementary to the existing groups. Knowledge of German is not
The AICES graduate school was established under the Excellence
Initiative of the German federal and state governments to promote
novel research and training in the field of computational engineering
science. The school is a collaboration of 15 university institutes,
the Research Centre Jülich, and the Max Planck Institute for Iron
Research. AICES organizes the doctoral education of approximately 100
students, as well as about 10 independent junior research groups.
AICES provides excellent computational facilities and a dynamic
service team. English is the working language in AICES.
Application material should include a personal statement including
research and teaching interests, CV, list of publications, contact
information for at least 3 references, and funding history.
Electronic applications are strongly encouraged. Please send unlocked
pdf documents to:
[log in to unmask]
If electronic application is not possible, please send the
application material to:
Junior Research Group Leader Search
AICES, RWTH Aachen University
Pauwelsstr. 12, 52074 Aachen, Germany
Applications will be considered starting Nov 1, 2008, until the
position is filled. For further information, please contact:
Dr. Nicole Faber, [log in to unmask] Tel. +49-241-80-28491.
Applications from women are particularly welcome; in case of equal
suitability, ability and professional achievement, female candidates
will be given preference. We refer to §8 of the North Rhine-
Westphalia Equal Opportunity Act. We welcome applications from
persons with disabilities.