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September 2009


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"Chemical Engineers in Computing and Systems Technology, AIChE" <[log in to unmask]>
John Hedengren <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 14 Sep 2009 05:39:16 -0500
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ExxonMobil Chemical is searching for two recent Ph.D. graduates and one
M.S./B.S. graduate in the area of process control and optimization.  The
work location is the refinery or chemical plant in Baytown, TX.  Applicants
must enter their information in the ExxonMobil recruiting database by
following the link

The anticipated start date is in 2010.  Once you have filled in your
information, please send me an e-mail with your resume attached.  If you
applied previously and would like to be considered again, please send an
updated resume.

Best regards,

John Hedengren, Ph.D.
ExxonMobil Chemical
5000 Bayway Drive
Baytown, TX  77520

tel. 281.834.2041
[log in to unmask]


Process Control and Optimization Engineering Position Description

Primary Assignment

You will support the manufacturing of chemical feedstocks and
transportation fuels for use in a wide assortment of  petrochemical and
refining operations. Units include Crude and Vacuum Fractionation,
Cat-cracking, Catalytic Reforming,  Aromatic Fractionation, Alkylation,
Gasoline Blending, and Polymers.  You will work in a team environment with
experienced  technical and plant process personnel, applying process
control technology to improve plant throughput, energy efficiency and
stability. This includes both implementing new process control strategies
(identifying opportunities and designing,  programming and commissioning
control strategies), and maintaining existing control strategies. You will
also maintain  databases and process schematic displays on the process
control computer.

Examples of Specific Job Responsibilities

(1) Maintain existing control strategies and identify new opportunities,
through attention to the process, attendance at operations meetings, and
through consultations with other technical personnel and operators.   (2)
Identify and resolve  problems with existing control strategies and
identify opportunities for new applications.   (3) Design and implement new
control strategies, choosing the appropriate control technology; design,
program, commission and tune the application.  (4)  Build application


ExxonMobil provides a positive environment for learning with a structured
training program and assigned mentors.  Many  opportunities exist for
advancement within ExxonMobil.  In addition to our exceptional benefits
program, you will benefit  from our structured networking and training
programs and a strong commitment to continuous learning.

Qualifications Desired

Academic: Doctoral Degree in Chemical Engineering; specializing in Process
Control and Optimization.  Other:  Sound reasoning  ability, good
communication skills, high level of initiative, strong desire to acquire
new knowledge and skills.