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Francisca Saavedra <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Wed, 22 Sep 2021 09:59:12 -0400
text/plain (20 lines)
Subject: Immediate job opening for UTA in BSCI202!

Description: BSCI202 (Human Anatomy and Physiology II) urgently needs to hire
one Undergraduate Teaching Assistant (UTA). Must be able to start this week!
Responsibilities include teaching one lab session per week (Monday
11am-1:50pm), attending a lab prep meeting each week (Friday 11am-1pm),
grading assignments for lecture and lab, proctoring lecture exams (4 per
semester in TuTh 8-9:15am class), and holding office hours (1 hour per week).
The weekly time commitment is around 10 hours per week. Candidates must be
available for the Monday lab section, Friday lab prep meeting, and
Tuesday/Thursday lecture as described above. Salary is $1,762 per semester.
New UTAs will also be required to register in a 1 credit seminar Tuesdays
3-3:50pm. Past UTAs find this teaching experience to be an enjoyable
experience and valuable career-building opportunity.

Contact Person: Francisca Saavedra
Contact Email: [log in to unmask]

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