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Brandon Schatt <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 3 Dec 2012 05:30:14 +0000
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It's the most wonderful time of the year! Faux Paz Big Show is almost here!Get ready for notes that will melt your face off and a cappella bops that that will make the ground shake. The University of Maryland's oldest co-ed a cappella group Faux Paz is beyond excited for its Big Show of the semester! You won't want to miss it!If you're new to the a cappella scene, you've been missing out, and there's no better time than now! If you're not, this is the show that will top them all!
WHEN: December 8 at 7:30 PM
WHERE: Hoff Theater in the Stamp Student Union
WHAT: 16 attractive singers singing songs by Katy Perry, Kanye, Rihanna, Foo Fighters, Mumford and Sons AND MORE for only $5 with a UID!