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Daily eNews for CMNS Students <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 6 Feb 2023 16:18:31 -0500
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Gene Ferrick <[log in to unmask]>
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Board of Regents Student Excellence Scholarships

Background & Purpose: The University System of Maryland (USM) is the
state’s public higher education system consisting of 12 institutions and 3
regional higher education centers spread across the state of Maryland.
Consistently ranked as one of the most premier university systems in the
country, the USM prides itself on its ability to inspire the next
generation of leaders that go on to shape policy, science, technology,
business, education, art, and culture.

Keeping in line with the mission and vision of the USM, the Board of
Regents and the University System of Maryland Student Council (USMSC) are
introducing the Board of Regents Student Excellence Scholarships to
recognize exceptionally talented students who are making contributions in
various aspects of student life.


The applicant must meet the following criteria:

   - Current undergraduate students (taking 9 credits or more) or graduate
   students (no credit minimum, student must meet continuous registration
   requirements of student's respective graduate school) who are enrolled at a
   USM institution (even via a Regional Higher Education Center) in Spring 2023
   - Be in good academic standing (3.0 GPA or above and/or as verified by
   the nominee’s institution)
   - Be in good conduct/disciplinary standing (as determined by the
   nominee’s institution)
   - Apply based on work/service that is not part of course or internship
   requirements or a job


Awards will be granted to up to two undergraduate students (one freshman or
sophomore and one junior or senior) and up to one graduate student from
among the diverse USM student community exhibiting achievements in the
following categories: (1) Leadership and Advocacy; (2) Outreach and
Engagement; (3) Innovation and Creativity; and (4) Academics, Scholarship,
and Research

Leadership and Advocacy: This category recognizes students’ achievements in
advocacy and leadership on campus. This may include, but is not limited to,
advancing a cause, policy, or program objective that benefits the campus
community; leadership within student organizations or athletics; mentoring;
and justice and inclusion work.

Outreach and Engagement: This category recognizes students’ achievements in
public service, outreach, and engagement in the community outside of their
university and beyond. This may include, but is not limited to, community
service/volunteer work in civic, social, and/or cultural organizations;
civic engagement; and philanthropy.

Innovation and Creative Activity: This category recognizes students’
achievements in the creative and performing arts (music, dance, fine arts,
literature) and/or innovations to include entrepreneurship.

Academics, Scholarship, and Research: This category recognizes students’
academic, scholarship, or research achievements as exemplified by one or
more of the following: a stellar academic record; extraordinary
publications; substantive research; merit awards; competitive selection for
presentations at regional and national academic societies and conferences;

For information go here:

Questions to:
Dr. Zakiya Lee
Assistant Vice Chancellor and Chief of Staff
USM Academic and Student Affairs
[log in to unmask] or 301-445-1991

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