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Sara Therrien <[log in to unmask]>
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Daily eNews for CMNS Students <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 21 Apr 2011 14:22:19 -0400
text/plain (22 lines)
Biological Research Internship – This is an unpaid internship position at
the U.S. Geological Survey Patuxent Wildlife Research Center in Laurel, MD,
starting in mid-May and running through the summer. This internship involves
assisting with sensory biology research and animal training/care at a
captive colony of sea ducks and diving ducks. Primary responsibilities
include: assisting with raising ducklings, using behavioral training
techniques to shape research behaviors, observation of research trials,
video data analysis, and maintenance/cleaning tasks. The ideal applicant
will have experience working with animals, be interested in biological
research, and be willing to work outside in all weather conditions. The
internship involves a commitment of a minimum of 20 hours per week, with
full-time preferred. Course credit through the university may be possible.
The applicant must provide their own transportation to the center each day.

The internship offers an excellent opportunity for qualified and motivated
individuals to obtain research and animal training experience under the
mentorship of both University of Maryland faculty/graduate students and U.S.
Geological Survey researchers. If you are interested, please send a resume
and brief letter of interest to [log in to unmask]