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Daily eNews for CMNS Students <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 7 Feb 2018 11:55:33 -0500
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Subject: Part-time student positions available at USDA-ARS Beltsville

Part-time student positions available at USDA-ARS Beltsville Agricultural
Research Center, Genetic Improvement of Fruits and Vegetables Lab: US
citizenship is required.
Selective Service Registration is required for males born after 12/31/1959.
Freshmen can be hired at a GS2 level ($12.98/hr) with three or months of
general work experience. Those with at least 6 semester hours in any
combination of scientific or technical courses such as biology, chemistry,
statistics, entomology, animal husbandry, botany, physics, agriculture, or
mathematics, can be hired at a GS3 level that pays more ($14.16/hr). The
project is about strawberry breeding and genetics with opportunities to learn
basic skills and safety protocols in the field, greenhouse, and some in the
lab, working with experienced technicians and scientists. Field work services
the breeding project as well as the genetics projects and includes planting,
maintaining, weeding, and harvesting strawberry plantings, packaging fruit
for postharvest evaluation, flagging desirable plants, and maintaining plant
identity through labeling and runner removal. Greenhouse work services the
breeding project and includes transplanting seedlings, potting mother plants,
pegging runners, fertilizing plants and managing pests with predator insects.
Lab work services the breeding project through virus detection and DNA
genotyping and starts with changing desiccant for collected dried leaves, and
progresses to lab equipment maintenance, solution and media mixing, to PCR
and RNA extractions. In addition to on-the-job experience, volunteers can
have access to Ag-Learn, a USDA on-line training site that provides excellent
on-line training in many diverse areas important for all jobs: internet
security awareness, environmentally friendly waste management, diversity in
the workplace, MS Office proficiency, lab safety, and many others. Please be
willing to commit at a minimum from mid-May through mid-August,
7:00am-3:30pm. E-mail Dr. Kim Lewers ([log in to unmask]) with your
available hours and resume; include contact information for listed

Dr. Kim Lewers, USDA-ARS
Research Geneticist (Plants)
Genetic Improvement of Fruits and Vegetables Lab
Rm. 210, Bldg. 010A, BARC-West
10300 Baltimore Avenue
Beltsville, Maryland 20705-2350
Ph: 301-504-6768
Cl: 240-463-5654
Fx: 301-504-5062
Em: [log in to unmask]

Contact Person: Dr. Kim Lewers ([log in to unmask])
Contact Email: [log in to unmask]