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Gene Ferrick <[log in to unmask]>
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Daily eNews for CMNS Students <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 9 Nov 2011 22:07:05 -0500
text/plain (23 lines)
We want to make you aware of a tremendous scholarship-for-service opportunity for your students to fully fund their undergraduate or graduate education at your institution, and request that you make them aware of this opportunity. The SMART (Science, Mathematics, and Research for Transformation) Program will pay for all educational expenses for a B.S., M.S. or Ph.D. program, and then provide scholars unique opportunities to work as research scientists or engineers on cutting edge technology in world class Department of Defense facilities. A comprehensive list of facilities can be found on the SMART website:

This is a highly competitive, national program, open to U.S. citizens only, so please ask your best students to apply. The SMART program will pay all educational costs and a stipend while they are in school from as little as one (1) term up to 5 years.

Specifically the program pays for:

	• Full Tuition - to any accredited U.S. University
	• A very generous stipend while in school ranging from $25,000 - $41,000 per year
	• Book allowance - $1,000
	• Health insurance contribution
	• Paid Summer internships
	• Travel fees for internships
	• All required student fees
For more information, see our webpage at

The application deadline is December 1, 2011, so please let your students know about this program as soon as possible. We would also like to invite you to register to be a potential panelist for the 2012 SMART Evaluation Panel to be held January 19-21, 2012 in Washington, DC. If you are interested in serving as a panelist, please register at

The SMART Scholarship Team
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(202) 331-3544