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Daily eNews for CMNS Students <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 31 Oct 2014 10:02:10 -0400
Daily eNews for CMNS Students <[log in to unmask]>
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Science Education Programs <[log in to unmask]>
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Subject: Summer Term Internships at Dept of Energy

The Office of Science / Office of Workforce Development for Teachers and
Scientists (WDTS) is pleased to announce that it is accepting applications to
its 2015 Summer Term internship/fellowship programs. These programs, which
offer opportunities for direct engagement in scientific research and
technology featuring specialized instrumentation; large-scale,
multidisciplinary efforts; and/or scientific user facilities, are available
for undergraduate students enrolled at community colleges and/or four-year
institutions, and for visiting faculty. Selected students or faculty
participate at one of 17 DOE Laboratories/Facilities, receive stipends, and
may qualify for travel and housing assistance.

Applications for these competitive programs must be completed and submitted
online by 5:00 PM ET on January 9, 2015 (including all required application
materials and recommendations). The 2015 Summer Term placements are for 10
weeks duration in a May to August timeframe.

The three programs accepting applications are:

·         The Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internship (SULI) program
encourages undergraduate students to pursue science, technology, engineering,
and mathematics (STEM) careers by providing research experiences, under the
guidance of laboratory/facility staff scientists or engineers, on projects
supporting the DOE mission.  More information about SULI and access to the
online application is at

·         The Community College Internship (CCI) program encourages
community college students to enter technical careers relevant to the DOE
mission by providing technical training experiences at the DOE Labs.
Students work on technologies or instrumentation projects or major research
facilities related to ongoing R&D programs. More information about CCI and
access to the online application is at

·         The Visiting Faculty Program (VFP) seeks to increase the research
competitiveness of faculty members and their students at institutions
historically underrepresented in the research community in order to expand
the workforce vital to the DOE mission areas.  In this program, selected
university/college faculty members collaborate with DOE laboratory research
staff on a research project of mutual interest. Faculty member participants
may invite up to two students (one of which may be a graduate student) to
participate in the research project. Applicants establish their
collaborations with laboratory research staff in advance of applying and must
submit a co-developed research proposal as part of the application. Students
apply separately at the invitation of the faculty member. More information
about the VFP and access to the online application is at
The SULI, CCI and VFP programs are sponsored and managed by the DOE Office of
Science / Office of Workforce Development for Teachers and Scientists. The
Department of Energy's Office of Science is the single largest supporter of
basic research in the physical sciences in the United States, and is working
to address some of the most pressing challenges of our time.

Contact Person: Science Education Programs
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