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"Dr. Francisca Saavedra" <[log in to unmask]>
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Daily eNews for CMNS Students <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 16 Oct 2014 12:41:52 -0400
text/plain (119 lines)
Subject: Job: BSCI UTA Program, Spring 2015 (2)

Biological Sciences Undergraduate Teaching Assistant Fellows Program Spring

The Biological Sciences Program, within the College of Computer, Mathematical
and Natural Sciences, will employ Undergraduate Teaching Assistants (UTAs)
Spring 2015 in a program designed to develop teaching and communication
skills, organization ability, knowledge, and leadership. Each UTA will be
supervised by the lab or discussion coordinator for the course they are
assigned to and will be required to perform the duties typically expected of
a teaching assistant.

UTA duties will include:
- Attend weekly prep meetings as scheduled by the lab or discussion
- Attend lectures.
- Teach one lab or discussion section per week
- Adequately prepare for teaching the lab or discussion
- Grade papers & assignments as assigned by the lab or discussion supervisor,
or the faculty instructor
- Hold office hours as directed by the lab or discussion supervisor
- Help to proctor lecture exams as needed
- Be available one week prior to the beginning of classes for scheduled TA
- UTA’s who have not previously done so will register for and attend a
1-credit weekly seminar course on teaching skills and issues, BSCI279P, which
meets on Tuesday 5-6pm
- UTAs working in a lab who have not previously done so must attend a lab
safety training session prior to or during the first week of classes

This work will require 10 - 15 hours per week, depending on the course
requirements.  The stipend is $1500.00 for the semester, paid in an hourly
wage.  Undergraduate students will be hired for only one UTA position in any
given semester, but will be allowed to apply for a position in a later
semester, assuming their performance is satisfactory. UTAs working for our
program are not allowed to hold another UTA position in any other course on

Interested students fill out the application found here:

UTA applications are due Monday November 10, 2014.

UTA positions will be awarded starting December 2014, and hiring will
continue until all positions are filled.

Minimum application requirements:
-Junior or senior standing
-Overall GPA of 3.0 or higher (higher preference for students with GPA ≥
- No D’s or F’s in academic record
-Have taken the course they wish to TA at UMCP and earned a grade of B or
-Students with AP credit for a course will have completed the next higher
level course with a grade of B or higher
-For the non-majors courses a UTA will have earned a grade of B or higher in
either BSCI105 or BSCI06, taken at UMCP.
-Sufficient time free for the UTA position
-At least one four hour block of time available to teach a 2 or 3 hour lab or
-Time free to attend lectures for course
-Time free to attend prep meeting.  Prep meeting times are provided below.
-Time to attend the 1-hour per week teaching skills seminar course. The
teaching seminar course will be held:  Tues. 5 - 6 pm

The courses available for UTAs and the typical prep meeting times for each
course are listed below.  It is not assured that UTA applicants will be hired
for any particular course.  UTA positions will be filled based on staffing
needs and applicant backgrounds.

BSCI103 The World of Biology. An introduction to modern biology for the
non-science major
Prep meetings:  Wednesday 8 - 9:30am

BSCI105 Principles of Biology I; Basic principles of biology with special
emphasis on cellular and molecular biology.
Prep meetings:  Friday 2 - 5pm

BSCI106 Principles of Biology II. Basic principles of biology with special
emphasis on ecology, evolution, and animal behavior.
Prep meeting:  Friday 1:30 – 3:30pm

BSCI124/125 Plant Biology for Non-Science Students.
Prep meeting:  Friday afternoon, exact time TBA

BSCI 201 Human Anatomy and Physiology I. Anatomy and physiology of the
skeletal, muscular, neural, endocrine, and sensory systems.
Prep meetings: Friday 1 – 3pm

BSCI202 Human Anatomy and Physiology II. Anatomy and physiology of the
cardiovascular, respiratory, immune, digestive, urinary and reproductive
Prep meetings:  Thursday 2 - 4pm

BSCI207 Principles of Biology III. The diversity, structure and function of
organisms as understood from the perspective of their common physicochemical
principles and unique evolutionary histories.
Prep meeting time TBA

BSCI222 Principles of Genetics. Principles and mechanisms of heredity and
gene expression.
Prep meetings Friday 8 - 9am

BSCI330 Cell Biology and Physiology.
Prep meetings Friday 11am - 2pm

Interested students fill out the application found here:

Contact Person: Dr. Francisca Saavedra
Contact Email: [log in to unmask]