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Gene Ferrick <[log in to unmask]>
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Daily eNews for CMNS Students <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 13 Oct 2017 12:07:59 -0400
text/plain (33 lines)
2017 Women of Influence Award Nominations

The Women of Influence Awards recognize members of our community who have
distinguished themselves by working with and for women on our campus and in
our community. The President’s Commission on Women’s Issues (PCWI) is
interested in applicants who have actively worked on behalf of diverse (in
identity, discipline, and other dimensions of difference) communities of
women. Nominees should be accomplished as University of Maryland members
(students, staff, and/or faculty) with evidence of leadership in one or
more of the core areas listed below including:

1.       MENTORSHIP:  formally and/or informally fostering the development
of women & girls
2.       WORK/LIFE BALANCE:  strengthening our campus community for working
3.       SOCIAL & POLITICAL JUSTICE:  supporting issues of diversity,
inclusion, & justice by addressing various ways our community is impacted
by sexism and all intersecting forms of discrimination
4.       PREVENTING SEXUAL HARASSMENT:  and other forms of sexual misconduct
5.       COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT:  engaging the community at UMD and beyond to
strengthen the experiences of women and girls

PCWI strongly encourages nominations of women of color, women with
disabilities, women veterans, immigrant women, LGBTQ+ people, and other
underrepresented populations of women. We welcome nominations regardless of
assigned sex and/or gender expression.

Submit nomination packets and direct questions to Ellin Scholnick, Ph.D.,
Faculty Ombuds and Chair, PCWI at [log in to unmask] or 301-405-1901, Fax
301-405-0806. The nomination deadline is Thursday, December 1, 2017.