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Excels Undergraduate Internships <[log in to unmask]>
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Daily eNews for CMNS Students <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 10 Nov 2011 15:41:33 -0500
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Looking for an internship or post graduate opportunity at Oak Ridge National Laboratory?  The Science Education Programs at Oak Ridge National Laboratory provides paid opportunities for undergraduates, grad students, recent graduates, and faculty to participate in high-quality research alongside world-class scientists to solve real-world problems.   Opportunities are available for internships and co-ops, research appointments, and sabbaticals.  All opportunities are limited to scientific, technical, engineering, or mathematical fields.

You can access all available opportunities through the website of  This will take you to the profile based application system where you can apply for numerous programs after you complete your profile.  The Talent and Opportunity System allows you to create a profile, and then for each program or job posting that you apply for, you only answer 5 or 6 questions.

Individuals who choose an internship or research opportunity at ORNL are paired with world-class scientists to solve real-world problems.  All levels of participants from undergraduates to faculty are encouraged to publish research papers with their mentors.  Please browse through the Research Profiles on the different participants and their research experiences at the right hand side of the bottom of the web site listed above.  Also, there is a featured two minute video of research participants at ORNL sharing their thoughts on how accesses to world-class research facilities and staff have catapulted their careers in science and technology.  If you would like to see the six minute video, you can find it on YouTube at  .