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Excels Undergraduate Internships <[log in to unmask]>
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Daily eNews for CMNS Students <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 7 Nov 2011 13:35:28 -0500
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The Research Intern will conduct research and prepare materials to document (1) threats to Rock Creek's environmental, recreational, and cultural resources, and (2) what various agencies and organizations are doing to address those threats and increase use, enjoyment, and stewardship of the parks.

Internship Description
--Conduct online research on (1) environmental threats to Rock Creek (e.g., stormwater, sewage leaks and overflows, invasive plants, land use issues), (2) recreational opportunities and issues, (3) cultural and historical resources, (4) park resources and management, and (5) educational resources. This research will cover both the issue and how various agencies or organizatoins are addressing the issue.
-- Conduct telephone interviews or meet with government agency or nonprofit organization staff to confirm findings or fill in gaps.
--In consultation with Conservancy staff, prepare a fact sheet for each topic or threat that includes (1) a short description of the topic or threat, (2) citations to available information, and (3) whether or how it is being addressed by government agencies or nonprofit organizations.
-- Assist in drafting (1) a summary report with clear goals, simple maps, and briefly stated recommendations for protection and restoration of Rock Creek and its parks and (2) a three- to five-year action plan for Rock Creek Conservancy.

Timing and Flexibility
This is a two-month position. It can be full time or part time and can be filled by one person or split by time period, research area, or task. The intern must have his or her own computer and workspace. Occasional work in our office in downtown Bethesda and regular meetings with staff are encouraged.

Skills and Qualifications

1. Excellent research and writing skills
2. Background in environmental science or policy
3. Attention to detail
4. Ability to work independently
5. Proficiency with Word, Excel
6. Graphic design, mapping skills a plus

Compensation:  This is an unpaid position.

Application Process:  Applicants should submit an email before November 10, 2011, describing their interest, skills, and qualifications, with a resume and two- to five-page writing sample attached. The email should be directed to Beth Mullin, [log in to unmask], with "Research Internship" in the subject line.