Subject: GSS Leaders Needed for BSCI160 this spring
The GSS program is in need of leaders for BSCI160, Principles of Ecology and
Evolution. Please consider this excellent leadership opportunity. If you are
interested, you can find more information about the program requirements
You must be able to attend the course lectures for section 6301 that meet
T/Th 12:30 pm, and also register for the GSS class HESI318N that meets either
W or Th afternoon.
Please Contact Yanira Pacheco Ortiz, Guided Study Sessions Coordinator (SI) /
Academic Counselor ASAP.
2201C Shoemaker Building, Phone 301-405-3318, [log in to unmask]
Event Date: January 22, 2018
Contact Person: Marcia Shofner
Contact Email: [log in to unmask]
Contact Phone Number: 301-405-3318
Website URL: