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Gene Ferrick <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Mon, 1 Aug 2022 11:03:08 -0400
text/plain (66 lines)
Subject: Fall 2022: Register for a 1-credit career course!

For many students, an effective way to make time for career development is by
taking a class for credit. Below is information on two 1-credit courses that
can help our students prepare for their careers:

The University Career Center & The President’s Promise offers two 1-credit
career courses for undergraduate UMD students: EDCP108i & PSYC123.  Both
courses are online and asynchronous with key exploratory and career
preparation activities. We have a personalized section of EDCP108i that is
specific to the needs of CMNS students like you! See more info on the courses

Register for one of the career course options below for fall 2022!
*both courses offered in spring semester, too*

EDCP108i: Academic Transitions to Internships | 1 credit | asynchronous
*provides UMD students the step-by-step process of finding an internship*
Check out our EDCP108i pre & post course learning outcomes.

EDCP108i is a 7-week (half-semester), 1-credit online course recommended for
students who have never had an internship and are actively searching for one.
   Topics include on-campus and off-campus resources to find internships,
preparing application materials, making the most of an internship experience,
and more.

Students will have three live interactions in EDCP108i: a resume review, a
group meeting with the instructor, and a mock interview.

**CMNS-specialized content will be delivered in Section 0701 of this course.
However, if it is full, you can also sign up for one of the general sections
of this course. We have content in all sections that is useful to CMNS

PSYC123: The Psychology of Getting Hired | 1 credit | asynchronous online
*introduces students to psychological principles involved in the hiring

Check out our PSYC123 pre & post course learning outcomes.

PSYC123 is a full semester, 1-credit online course that introduces students
to the science behind the hiring process and prepares students with the
academic and practical training needed.  Topics include assessing your
skills, researching employers, building and identifying your network,
creating a career plan, and more.

Students will have two live interactions in PSYC123: a resume review and a
mock interview.

Questions about these courses can be addressed to:

Erica Ely
Assistant Director, Career Education & Exposure
University Career Center & The President’s Promise
[log in to unmask]

Contact Person: Erica Ely
Contact Email: [log in to unmask]

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