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Gene Ferrick <[log in to unmask]>
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Daily eNews for CMNS Students <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 19 Jul 2011 15:19:58 -0400
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A candidate is needed to develop software for the interactive creation and editing of phase equilibrium diagrams (2 dimensional plots with annotations). The candidate must have expertise in use of widget toolkits and graphical APIs for the development of GUI applications. The candidate must be able to develop code using Java (including Java 2D graphics) or JavaScript / DOM / HTML Canvas. Experience with algebraic transformations, curve fitting, rendering, interpolation, intersection, and collision/hit detection of curves, splines, and 2-D objects is preferred.
The Contractor shall provide a digitization software tool for the generation of the graphics files for SRD 31 (Phase Equilibria Diagrams), the PED Editor, using a current, well-supported computer language.  The Contractor shall provide the PED Editor as a public-domain package and will also collaborate with other contractors to integrate the PED Editor into the new content management system.
The Contractor shall provide all support for project oversight, equipment, administration and technical execution of this contract. The Contractor is responsible for maintaining accurate records of project activities.
The Contractor shall create a new digitization software tool for all types of diagrams using a well-supported language and platform.  The Contractor shall work in cooperation with LAB staff and other contractor(s) currently working on other contracts at The LAB to ensure that the software package will be integrated with the newly designed CMS tools and database.  The Contractor shall develop and support a complete, custom PED Editor package, including documentation and user instructions that will be available to the Data Center staff for the digitization, rendering, and re-publication of diagrams from original archival literature.  The PED Editor will also be released to the public as free-ware for the drawing and viewing of phase equilibria diagrams, the files for which can be directly submitted for inclusion in SRD 31, thus bypassing the labor requirement for digitization from a published literature- article original.
Candidate Requirements

The Contractor shall have at least a Master’s degree or higher in a relevant technical field related to computer science, materials science, engineering, or physics.  The Contractor shall also have at least five years of experience in scientific graphing.  Highly qualified Key Personnel will have expertise in writing, customization, and use of low-level widget toolkits and graphic primitives in graphics plotting packages and development of custom interactive computer graphical user interfaces for scientific/technical applications using OpenGL, OSF/Motif, GIMP, FLTK, Xlib, Graphics2D, Matplotlib, Plot Digitizer, or equivalent libraries and toolkits.  Key Personnel will preferably have expertise with graphics rendering pipelines, algebraic transformations, and fitting, rendering, interpolation, intersection, and collision/hit detection of curves, splines, and 2- D objects.
Jeff Shaheen
MSI Universal
101 Lakeforest Blvd, Ste 410
Gaithersburg, MD 20877
O – 301-330-3120
C – 586-822-9588
F – 800-813-6486