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Ian Moritz <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Daily eNews for CMNS Students <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 24 Mar 2016 10:00:13 -0400
text/plain (36 lines)
Subject: Coaches' Commentary: Leadership from the Field Lecture

Please join Omicron Delta Kappa for our William L. Thomas, Jr. Leadership
Lecture - Coaches' Commentary: Leadership from the Field on Thursday, April
7th from 6:00-7:30 pm in the Grand Ballroom Lounge of the Stamp.  Engage in
leadership stories from four University of Maryland Coaches who are members
of Omicron Delta Kappa as we explore what leadership looks like through the
lens of athletics.

Sasho Cirovski: Men's Soccer Head Coach
Mike London: Football Associate Head Coach
Missy Meharg: Field Hockey Head Coach
Cathy Reese: Women's Lacrosse Head Coach

These coaches will share their leadership experiences as they built programs,
won championships, and transitioned conferences. Their stories will provide
insights in recognizing and developing our own leadership abilities through a
new point of view. This event is hosted by the Sigma Circle of Omicron Delta
Kappa National Leadership Honor Society.

When: Thursday, April 7th, 2016; 6:00-7:30 pm
Where: Grand Ballroom Lounge, Stamp Student Union

If you have any questions please direct them to Ian Moritz
([log in to unmask])

Hope to see you there!

Event Date: April 7, 2016
Event Start Time: 6:00 pm
Event End Time: 7:30 pm
Event Location: Grand Ballroom Lounge, Stamp Student Union
Contact Person: Ian Moritz
Contact Email: [log in to unmask]