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Daily eNews for CMNS Students <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 5 Apr 2018 11:53:15 -0400
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Subject: Interested in Participating in a University of Maryland HCIL Study?


We’re graduate students with the Inclusive Design Lab at the University of
Maryland. Our research team is studying how to make the next generation of
mobile computing technology more accessible, particularly for people with
visual impairments.

We are recruiting participants who are at least 18 years old, including
participants who are blind or visually impaired, and participants without
visual impairments.

The study will ask you to perform simple tasks that are similar to everyday
mobile device use, like speech dictation. We are also collecting basic
demographic information and feedback on the experience of using mobile
devices and speech interfaces.

Study sessions will be conducted at our lab on the University of Maryland,
College Park campus. In rare circumstances, we may be able to arrange
in-person sessions at a location that is more convenient to you.

The study will take up to 90 minutes and you will be compensated $25 for your
time. Participants with visual impairments will also receive $30 toward
transportation costs if the study session is at a location you would not
normally visit, making the total compensation $55.

To learn more or to sign up, please contact Christine at [log in to unmask] or
Jonggi at [log in to unmask] You may also reach us at 301-642-2024.

Feel free to take a look at our research group’s website to find out more
about our research program:


Christine Vaing and Jonggi Hong
College of Information Studies
Department of Computer Science
University of Maryland, College Park

Contact Person: Christine Vaing OR Jonggi Hong
Contact Email: [log in to unmask]