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Daily eNews for CMNS Students <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 4 Nov 2014 14:41:20 -0500
Daily eNews for CMNS Students <[log in to unmask]>
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"Francis P. Duvinage" <[log in to unmask]>
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Subject: CDC Leaders in Environmental Health - Summer 2015 Internship

Collegiate Leaders in Environmental Health
Francis DuVinage, Director – Leslie Brice, Coordinator –

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): Collegiate Leaders in
Environmental Health Summer Internship Program

This is a 10-week summer 2015 environmental internship for undergraduate
students majoring in Environmental Studies, Environmental Engineering,
Ecology, or related fields who are passionate about the environment, about
human health, and about the link between the two. The National Deadline to
apply is Wednesday, January 28, 2015.


For more information and for assistance with your application contact:
National Scholarships Office – [log in to unmask]

Who Can Apply: US Citizens or Permanent Resident with a green card – rising
junior or senior – 3.0+ GPA – an academic major or demonstrated
coursework concentration in environmental studies or related fields

Description: This is a 10-week summer environmental internship for
undergraduate students majoring in Environmental Studies, Environmental
Engineering, Ecology, or related fields who are passionate about the
environment, about human health, and about the link between the two. A
healthy environment should be capable of sustaining a healthy population;
however, with 6.3 billion people on the earth, there is a need for more
sustainable interactions between humans and the environment. Harmful
environments can increase the risk of many health conditions. Healthy
environments, on the other hand, can promote good health in many
ways—protecting people from toxic exposures, providing safe water and clean
air, and encouraging healthy behaviors such as outdoor recreation.
Environmental health is the discipline that focuses on the interrelationships
between people and their environment, promotes human health and well-being,
and fosters safe and healthy living. This branch of public health is
concerned with all aspects of the natural and built environment that may
affect human health.

Interns will be placed in environmental health programs at the US Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): National Center for Environmental
Health/Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (NCEH/ATSDR). Over
the course of the summer, interns will be exposed to a broad overview of
environmental public health issues at the federal level.

Interns will participate in environmental health projects, interact with
federal officials and scientists, and visit important environmental health
sites in Atlanta. Other activities may include "brown-bag" lunches with CDC
staff, as well as attending lectures from important environmental health
leaders in the Atlanta area. In addition, interns will be able to attend the
many seminars offered by CDC during the summer.

CDC has partnered with The Department of Energy (DOE)/Oak Ridge Institute for
Science and Education (ORISE) to implement the Program. CDC will review
applications and make final award selections.

Award Amount:  The internship program will provide a stipend for living
expenses ($500 per week). Travel to Atlanta will be the student’s
responsibility. Potential housing options will be provided in advance;
however the interns will be expected to make their own arrangements.

Duration: 10 weeks during the summer - June, 2015 to August, 2015 (Dates TBD)

National Deadline:  Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Francis DuVinage, Ph.D.
Director, National Scholarships Office and Maryland Center for Undergraduate
2403 Marie Mount Hall
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742

Email:[log in to unmask]
Phone: (301) 314-9458
Fax: (301) 314-0085

Contact Person: Francis P. Duvinage
Contact Email: [log in to unmask]