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Jessica Roffe <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Wed, 8 Dec 2021 12:04:40 -0500
text/plain (26 lines)
Subject: Register for EDCP108C: Choosing Your Major and Career!

Spring 2022. Online. 1 Credit. Wednesdays 11-11:50am. Restricted to students
with 60 credits or less.

Figuring out what to study and work on is a hard problem, and one that you
will be trying to solve multiple times in your life as you grow and evolve.
The “Choosing Your Major and Career” course is designed as a guided
self-discovery experience where you learn more about yourself, the fields you
are interested in, and the supporting tools and frameworks that you can come
back to throughout your life.

During the semester, you will engage with course content, work with your
classmates, and complete projects and reflections to gain a deeper
understanding of what drives you, what you are good at, and which majors and
careers align with those interests and skills. You will also participate in
three one-on-one coaching sessions. This course is one of the offerings of
the Intentional Life Lab. Reach out to Jessica Roffe with any questions:
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Contact Person: Jessica Roffe
Contact Email: [log in to unmask]

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