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Abby Robinson <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Daily eNews for CMNS Students <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 19 Nov 2019 08:35:59 -0500
text/plain (27 lines)
Subject: Student Web Assistant Positions Available in CMNS Dean’s Office

The CMNS Dean's Office is looking to fill 2 Web Assistant positions with
students who can think both creatively and analytically. Job responsibilities
include migrating content from old websites to new ones, editing and
proofreading content, editing images and videos, and brainstorming with the
communications team to develop new and/or more efficient processes. Skills
needed: basic content management understanding (Drupal preferred);
proficiency with Adobe Photoshop and basic graphic design concepts (e.g.,
cropping and editing photos, typography); and proficiency with Microsoft Word
and Google Docs.

Successful candidates can begin the position on January 6. The position is
30-40 hours per week during the winter break. Upon satisfactory performance
over the winter break, the position could extend through the spring semester
(and even the summer). During the spring semester, hours will be based on
your schedule (15-20 hours per week). Salary will be $10.10 per hour. To
apply, send a cover letter and resume to Abby Robinson at [log in to unmask] by
December 1.

Contact Person: Abby Robinson
Contact Email: [log in to unmask]
Contact Phone Number: 301-405-5845

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