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Daily eNews for CMNS Students <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 6 Mar 2020 09:13:45 -0500
text/plain (52 lines)
Subject: Meso Scale Discovery is hiring!!

MSD is looking for a full time, entry-level employee to work in our
Gaithersburg, MD office in a position that uses computer science, math, and
engineering skills. The role is not yet posted and is slightly different from
the software engineer positions currently on our website. This individual
would work within an engineering group on software-related projects and
regularly communicate with other engineers, scientists, and internal users
for the development and support of MSD instruments. We are looking for
seniors graduating in May 2020, but other applicants graduating in Fall 2020
or Spring 2021 are welcome to reach out.

Any of the below experience is beneficial

-          Project experience in cross-functional teams working on complex

-          Excellent technical writing and presentation skills

-          Experience working in a biochemical laboratory environment and
interacting with scientific or medical instrumentation, including laboratory
automation is beneficial

-          Experience with data collection and visualization

-          Familiarity with relational databases such as SQL/SQLite

-          Familiarity with one or more programming languages, such as
Python, C++, Java, MATLAB, or R

-          Familiarity with good software process/practices such as object
oriented programming, test driven development, version control (Git/SVN),
static code analysis, peer code review, etc.

-          Example code or open source contributions in any language are

-          Participation in any Academic Societies or Clubs (ASEI, AWC, Black
Engineers Society, BMES, SWE, Women in ECE, etc.), Honors College, Scholars,
Bitcamp/Technica, Startup Shell, QUEST, etc.

If interested or if you have any questions please send your resume to our
organization at [log in to unmask] If you have  personal links such as
LinkedIn, Github, or a personal website, etc. these are beneficial and can be
sent to the same email!

Contact Person: Kyle King
Contact Email: [log in to unmask]

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