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Gene Ferrick <[log in to unmask]>
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Daily eNews for CMNS Students <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 13 Apr 2012 11:27:03 -0400
text/plain (14 lines)
The Biological Sciences Program is pleased to tell you that the BSCI and PHYS faculty have developed a course that covers physics material specifically related to the principles of  biology.  This course sequence, PHYS131/132, will count as the required physics course sequence in the BSCI major.  PHYS131 will be offered for the second time this fall, with the schedule shown below. This course will explicitly link the principles of physics with the basic process that you study in biology.  The course will be especially useful for students interested in medical school, graduate school, and other professional careers in biology.   Please note that MATH140/141 is an acceptable math prerequisite.  If you are ready to satisfy your BSCI Physics requirement, consider registering for PHYS131 in Fall 2012.

PHYS131 Fundamentals of Physics for Biologists I; (4 credits) Grade Method: REG/P-F/AUD. 
Prerequisite: MATH130 and MATH131 or equivalent; BSCI105 and BSCI106 or equivalent; and CHEM131 or equivalent. Credit will be granted for only one of the following: PHYS121 or PHYS131. The first part of a two-semester course in general physics specifically oriented towards applications relevant for students in biology and pre-medical programs. The course covers basic mechanics including forces forces and energy, properties of matter, and thermodynamics done in authentic biological contexts. It will be team taught by a physicist and a biologist. 

> 0101(59400) E. Redish (Seats=24, Open=22, Waitlist=0)Books
> MWF.......10:00am-10:50am (PHY 1219)
> Tu........10:00am-11:50am (PHY 3310) Lab
> Tu........ 9:00am- 9:50am (PHY 3310) Dis
> 0201(59401) W. Losert (Seats=24, Open=23, Waitlist=0)Books
> MWF.......11:00am-11:50am (PHY 1219)
> Tu........ 2:00pm- 3:50pm (PHY 3310) Lab
> Tu........ 1:00pm- 1:50pm (PHY 3310) Dis