The Office of Sustainability seeks qualified applicants for five summer internships including a Carbon Sequestration Research Intern, Green Office Education & Outreach Interns (2), Graphic & Web Intern, and Communications Intern. See for more information.
Interns must be a current University of Maryland graduate or undergraduate student with at least sophomore standing. A minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA is recommended. Interns are expected to have a strong interest in sustainability, a professional work ethic, and a desire to make the campus more sustainable. In addition, interns must be disciplined and self-motivated as they will take the lead on their own projects. Students in all majors are encouraged to apply.
To Apply: Please send a cover letter and resume to [log in to unmask] The one-page cover letter should address the following questions: Why do you want to be a sustainability intern? What are your qualifications for the position? What are your plans for after graduation?
Deadline to Apply: April 17, 2011. Interviews will take place prior to or during the final exams period.