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Prashant Panchal <[log in to unmask]>
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Daily eNews for CMNS Students <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 11 Sep 2012 22:17:30 -0400
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Teva Biopharmaceuticals, Rockville, MD is looking for an intern to support downstream operations in the drug development and manufacturing department. The intern will be exposed to (but not limited to) laboratory environment where he/she will support operations related to protein purification and analysis. The intern will perform testing of various samples using various analytical methods.


-          Maintain supplies laboratory inventory

-          Buffer preparation

-          Purification of drug products

-          Sample preparation and data interpretation

-          Analysis of samples using SDS-PAGE and other analytical methods such as size-exclusion chromatography

Requirement for the intern:

-          Must be able to work 20+ hours per week (30-35 hours is preferred)

-          Must have major in biology, chemistry, or biochemistry

-          Must be a junior or senior (sophomores must have taken chemistry, biochemistry and biology courses)

-          Excellent with Microsoft Office

-          A previous experience in a lab is a plus

The intern will work under a purification scientist who will provide training to carry out specific tasks, but the intern must have fundamental scientific background. Students interested in this internship should send their resume to [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> by September 18, 2012.

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