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"Dr. Ping Wang" <[log in to unmask]>
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Daily eNews for CMNS Students <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 28 Apr 2016 16:07:15 -0400
text/plain (43 lines)
Subject: Paid Undergraduate Research Experience

Paid Undergraduate Research Experience

Location: University of Maryland, College Park
Salary: $15/hour, 40 hours/week in Summer 2016
Closing Date:  May 15, 2016
Employment period: June 1, 2016 – Aug 15, 2016

BACKGROUND: The National Science Foundation sponsored VOICE project aims to
build the research infrastructure and analytic/visualization tools for policy
makers and researchers to study the emergence and evolution of Big Data
innovations in our society. The VOICE project, which stands for Virtual
Observatory of Innovation Communities and Ecosystems, will provide an online
community for users to share data/information/results related to Big Data
innovations, to communicate, to collaborate, and to support each other.

DUTIES: The selected student will work as part of a team of faculty and
students at UMD's iSchool and Computer Science Department. The student will
attend weekly project team meetings and sub-team meetings arranged as
necessary. His/her tasks will include building a web portal and online
repository for the VOICE research community and collecting text data from a
variety of online sources using database queries, APIs, and user created


Students with experience in the following areas will be considered first:
§  Django or similar website development framework
§  Python and R programming languages
§  MYSQL or similar relational databases
§  Web page design
§  Web application design

TO APPLY: Send a resume to Dr. Ping Wang ([log in to unmask]) AND Dr. Yla Tausczik
([log in to unmask]) by 5pm May 15, 2016. Please write "VOICE REU application" in
the subject line.

Contact Person: Dr. Ping Wang
Contact Email: [log in to unmask]