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Valerie Karuzis <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 27 Jan 2020 16:22:16 -0500
text/plain (24 lines)
Subject: Participate in a Language Learning and Nerve Stimulation Study!

Happy start of the spring semester!  We are running several multi-session
paid language learning and nerve stimulation studies, and are looking for
participants.  If you're interested in participating, please take the
pre-screen (link below).

What? Multiple studies involving computerized tasks and transcutaneous
electrical nerve stimulation (TENS)
Where? H.J. Patterson Hall, Jimenez Hall, and/or Maryland Neuroimaging Center
When? Studies range between one and seven sessions (1 to 12 hours total)
What is the compensation? $20/hour
You must be between 18 and 35 years old and meet all other eligibility
How do I sign up? Complete the pre-screen ( We
will contact you to participate if you are eligible.
More information:

Contact Person: Val Karuzis
Contact Email: [log in to unmask]

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