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Gene Ferrick <[log in to unmask]>
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Daily eNews for CMNS Students <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 13 Feb 2012 11:20:08 -0500
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Vacancy Announcement

Chesapeake Research Consortium
Environmental Management Career Development Program
in support of
The Chesapeake Bay Program’s
Protect and Restore Water Quality Goal Implementation Team

Restoration of the Chesapeake Bay requires committed, passionate individuals and the Chesapeake Research Consortium (CRC) seeks such an individual for a three-year appointment to the Chesapeake Bay Program’s Protect and Restore Water Quality Goal Implementation Team. The objective of this goal implementation team is to coordinate and provide support to the Bay Program partners in implementing nutrient and sediment reduction efforts necessary to meet the water quality goals set to restore the Bay's living resources. The group’s primary focus is to support efforts to reduce and cap the nutrient and sediment loads entering the Bay and to ensure that these reductions are maintained over time.
The candidate selected for this position will be involved in goal implementation team activities and will be responsible for meeting organization and support, member coordination and communication, task tracking, research and synthesis activities, and additional special projects as assigned. The selected candidate will work as a CRC employee at the U.S. EPA's Chesapeake Bay Program Office located in Annapolis, Maryland.

The ideal candidate for the position would have the following background and qualifications: A Bachelor’s degree in natural or agricultural sciences, environmental management, public policy, law, watershed planning, environmental economics, or a related field, with specific knowledge or experience in watershed management, nonpoint/point source pollution, and clean water law and policy.

Additional details can be found on the CRC website (