Feeling the pressure of finals?
Join us on LaPlata Beach for "Stress-free for Finals"!
This 1 hour event will rejuvenate you and have you ready to dominate your last week!
Enjoy a yoga session on the beach, meditation tents, stress-managing activities and cookies!
So mark it in your calendar!
When: Monday, May 9th 7-8pm
Where: LaPlata Beach
Why: Because there is not a more important week of the semester when your mind and body need to be in shape!
*Yoga mats will be provided. Waiver must be signed. Please arrive at 7pm
**Severe weather/Rain location: LaPlata Hall Basement
For more information please contact Krystle Seu at [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> or give us a call at 301-314-4255