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Matthew Perlstein <[log in to unmask]>
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Daily eNews for CMNS Students <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 29 Mar 2011 16:10:52 -0400
text/plain (34 lines)
It’s time again for this year’s AEPi blowout philanthropy event: Dump For
Dollars!  Each year, we raise thousands of dollars for a great cause, and we
do it through one of the most unique philanthropy programs in the country!
Let me take a minute to explain the event to you, in case you haven’t been
apart of it in past years:

We begin by creating a giant grid on the Fraternity Row Field into a bunch
of small squares. We spend weeks selling tickets FOR ONLY $5 that correspond
to random squares on the grid. We then fence in the giant grid, and invite a
real live cow to graze on the field on *April 17th, 2011 from 12-3 pm*, for
an afternoon event of live music, food, contests, fun games, and tons of
people. After the cow grazes for a while, he eventually has to take a “dump”
somewhere on the grid. The square that the cow defecates on has a ticket
that corresponds to it, *and the owner of that ticket gets $1,000 cash!* The
cow dumps, and you get dollars. There are also many raffles, drawings, and
“Dump” t-shirts for sale for all those with tickets(You are not required to
be at the event to participate in the raffle, so even if you can't make it,
you can still buy tickets and support the cause!). This event has been
highly successful in the past; *LAST YEAR WE ROSE OVER $10,000 FOR OUR

This year, all proceeds will go to Alpha Epsilon Pi’s National
Philanthropies including Keshet, Sharsheret, and Save a Child’s Heart.
are only $5* each for ownership of one square on the grid, and of course,
even if the cow doesn’t “dump” on your square, it’s a great time for
everyone – and, above all, a noble cause.  Hope to see you there, and thanks
for your support!

For questions/tickets, please contact:
Matthew Perlstein
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