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Gene Ferrick <[log in to unmask]>
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Daily eNews for CMNS Students <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 25 Mar 2013 14:18:05 +0000
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March 25-29 Woman Empowerment Awareness Week! Join in!
Hello Mary!
My name is Dania Shafei, and I am Vice President of the University of
Maryland, College Park chapter of Muslims Without Borders (MWB). On March
25-29 our organization is hosting ³Sisters Week² where we hope to make our
student body more aware of the various humanitarian crises taking place
all around the world and affecting millions of women and children alike.
In an effort to raise awareness over the issue of female genocide, we
would really appreciate your membersı presence at the various. If you
could please pass this message in your list-serv that would be great!
Thank You!

Our events of the week are as follows:
Monday (3/25) Itıs a Girl screening
Doors Open 5:30pm
Screening begins at 6pm
Hoff Theater
This is a documentary about female infanticide in India and China

Tuesday (3/26) Hornbake Plaza 11am-4pm
Awareness Plaza on Hornbake about malnutrition, body image and hunger
around the world.

Wednesday (3/27) 
Margaret Brent room
Stamp 4-6pm
Female empowerment through social activism and humanitarian aid around the
world--co-sponsored by the Thaqalayn Muslim Association (TMA) and Muslim
Student Association, featuring Sahar Khamis, PhD Assistant Professor of
Communication Affiliate Faculty in Consortium on Race, Gender and
Ethnicity and Ambareen Jafri Vice Chair, Superintendent's Parent
Involvement Advisory Council, Anne Arundel County

Thursday (3/28) 
Benjamin Banneker A
Stamp 4-6pm
Dialogue about misconceptions about women in South Asian
Cultures--co-sponsored by Student Association for India's Development

Friday (3/29) 
Jimenez room 
Stamp 4-6pm Open Mic Night contact [log in to unmask] or
[log in to unmask] to sign up--co-sponsored by Amnesty International at

Thank You for your time, and if you have any further questions please feel
free to contact me at
[log in to unmask] Also, for more information about the event check
out our Facebook event page

Dania Shafei