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Gene Ferrick <[log in to unmask]>
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Daily eNews for CMNS Students <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 9 Nov 2012 03:54:27 +0000
text/plain (57 lines)
The Honors College Student Programming Council (SPC) would like to
cordially invite you to our Fall event "Terp Trot: 5K for DNA" on Sunday,
November 18th to raise awareness for genetic diseases and support Genetic
Alliance, an organization involved with genetic disorders and health
advocacy. Supporting the efforts of Genetic Alliance, who is at the
forefront of health advocacy in the 21st century, allows us to start
getting involved with today's issues and tomorrow's solutions. Our DNA may
vary from person to person, but our will and desire to help and lend our
voices to others remains the same. And with Thanksgiving being prime time
for community outreach, SPC wanted to harness the unstoppable Terp spirit
towards a good cause while also bringing members of our community
together. SPC ultimately hopes that the UMD community finishes the 5K for
DNA with a heightened awareness of genetic disorders as well as a
heightened campus unity.

The event details are as follows:
1) Regular Registration ($10): until Friday 11/16
2) Late Registration ($15): on the day of the 5K, 11/18
3) 5K for DNA on Sunday, 11/18: Runners may start signing in at Anne
Arundel, starting at 8:30AM up until 9:30AM.
Breakfast snacks and water will be provided right before the fun run.
(RAIN OR SHINE, the 5K is on, unless there is inclement weather.)

The 5K route will be on-campus, starting at Anne Arundel Hall. Runners,
please come to the Anne Arundel Basement Lounge to sign-in.

1) To buy t-shirts ($6):
(Picture attached.)

2) To register for the 5K:

3) Additional Donations/Pledges:
[[Proceeds go to Genetic Alliance]]
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email
[log in to unmask] SPC. DOIN' BIG THINGS ON A MOLECULAR LEVEL. We hope
you can do them with us! Have a great day!
Anna Pham
President, Honors College Student Programming Council
University of Maryland, Class of 2013
Cell Biology & Genetics and Asian American Studies
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