Subject: Startup Shell: From Idea to Execution Repurpose Farm Plastic
Interested in sustainability? Did you know farmers use hundred-thousand tons
of plastic to grow their fruits and vegetables and it doesn’t get recycled
after use? Ben Rickles and Krisztina Christmon, founders at Startup Shell,
built a product to clean plastic used on farms! Join in on the event tomorrow
@6PM in the Shell space (IDEA Factory Room #1101) to learn about their
entrepreneurship journey!
Be sure to RSVP for the event here:!
Also, just a reminder that our applications are open till September 30th! If
you have not already submitted your application, be sure to do so ASAP here:!
Join our Discord ( if you haven't already to
stay updated about more events like these!! Be sure to let us know on the
Discord if you have any questions, or reach out to us via
Startup Shell Team
Event Date: September 20, 2022
Event Start Time: 6:00 pm
Event End Time: 7:30 pm
Event Location: Startup Shell (IDEA Factory Room #1101)
Contact Person: Nabeela Ibrahim
Contact Email: [log in to unmask]
Website URL:
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