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Shannon Rhoads <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Daily eNews for CMNS Students <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 5 Mar 2019 12:41:25 -0500
text/plain (24 lines)
Subject: Laboratory technician position available– Bethesda, MD.

We are seeking to recruit a laboratory technician in the Department of
Pharmacology at Uniformed Services University (USU). USU is the military
medical school located on the grounds of the Walter Reed National Military
Medical Center in Bethesda, MD, within walking distance of the Medical Center
metro stop. The position will support projects investigating protein
aggregation in the context of neurodegeneration. We are seeking applicants
who have recently graduated with a degree in a biology/biochemistry-related
discipline. Research experience is desirable although not required. Interest
or training in neuroscience is also an advantage. This is a great opportunity
for a recent graduate who is interested in graduate or medical school, but
wishes to take a year or two off before pursuing further education.

To apply please send your resume and a cover letter to Dr. Frank Shewmaker,
[log in to unmask] Please detail your science course work, research
experience, GPA and any other information relevant to working as a lab
technician. Please also list contact information for at least 2 people who
are able to act as references to your scientific ability.

Contact Person: Frank Shewmaker
Contact Email: [log in to unmask]