Subject: Eolian deposits, soils and climates of the Chesapeake region during
the last 40,000 years, & implications for buried Paleoamerican materials
Description: The Environmental Science and Technology Departmental seminar
series will be hosting Dr. Daniel Wagner, senior pedologist of Geo-Sci
Consultants LLC and Research Associate of the Smithsonian Institution, to
give the talk "Eolian deposits, soils and climates of the Chesapeake region
during the last 40,000 years, and implications for buried Paleoamerican
materials". This talk will touch on environmental science, soil science,
geology, climate change, plant science, archaeology, and more. If interested,
a PDF flier can be obtained by emailing Barret Wessel ([log in to unmask]).
Event Date: November 4, 2015
Event Start Time: 4:00 pm
Event End Time: 5:00 pm
Event Location: Animal Science Building, ANS 0408
Contact Person: Barret Wessel
Contact Email: [log in to unmask]